Auckland Airport parking and valet

Auckland Airport valet parking

Two men walking along car park with carry-on baggage.

Experience the convenience of dropping your car off right at the terminal - no booking required.

Our exclusive valet parking service is available to Airpoints members, travelling within New Zealand or internationally. Simply check in at the valet desk inside the terminal after dropping off your car.

We can also arrange grooming for you and your vehicle while you're away. This also includes additional services, WOF checking, and more.

Need to make changes to your valet parking arrangement while on holiday? Contact the Auckland Airport Valet desk.

Valet prices

Uncovered parking period

1st day

Price per day


Uncovered parking period

2nd day

Price per day

($134 total for 2 days)

Uncovered parking period

3rd day

Price per day

($189 total for 3 days)

Uncovered parking period

4+ days

Price per day

($234 total for 4 days)

Uncovered parking period

Weekend Special*

Price per day


Per day refers to a 24 hour period. All prices are are in NZD and GST inclusive.

*Please note: Weekend Special commences Friday and ends Monday at 10am

Valet locations and contact details

Air New Zealand valet parking is located at each of the domestic and international terminal buildings.

Air New Zealand Domestic Valet

  • Air New Zealand Domestic Valet is located at the eastern end of the terminal, accessible from Laurence Stevens Drive
  • Please take a ticket at the barrier arm of car park O and follow the violet line to valet
  • Secure your vehicle and take your keys to the valet desk inside the terminal
  • When you arrive back to Auckland, please return to the valet desk to retrieve your keys

Phone: +64 (0)9 256 3949


Air New Zealand International Valet

Our existing international valet carpark location remains unchanged. However, from 3 April 2024, the access road in front of the terminal will close to make way for Auckland International Airport's new Transport Hub. Please refer to the map and instructions below.

  • Air New Zealand International Valet is accessible from Tom Pearce Drive.
  • As you turn into Tom Pearce Drive from George Bolt Memorial Drive, follow the overhead signs to Air New Zealand Valet ensuring you're in the correct lane.
  • Continue straight on Tom Pearce Drive, towards the Novotel and Pullman Hotels, with the terminal and Transport Hub on your left.
  • As you approach the traffic lights, ensure you're in the left of two lanes.
  • After the traffic lights, follow the signs as you pass the back of the Pullman Hotel and turn left onto Ray Emery Drive. For a short distance you will be driving towards the terminal.
  • Follow the signs and turn right towards the designated parking area for Air New Zealand Valet Parking.
  • Please take a ticket at the barrier arm.
  • Secure your vehicle and take your keys to the valet desk inside the terminal, opposite Air New Zealand Premium check-in.
  • When you arrive back to Auckland, please return to the valet desk to retrieve your keys.

Phone: +64 (0)9 256 3780


Auckland valet car grooming prices

Grooming services

Express Wash


High pressure rinse
Hand wash shampoo & rinse
Chamois dry
Clean exterior windows
Clean wheel arches & wheels





Grooming services

Deluxe Valet


Express Wash plus:
Clean interior windows
Dust dashboard
Vacuum interior, including boot





Grooming services

Premium Valet


Deluxe Valet plus:
Clean door struts
Clean interior door panels
Clean interior plastics
Clean all interior pockets





All prices are in NZD and GST inclusive.

Auckland valet services and prices


Hand wax (available with Deluxe or Premium grooms)


$29 (car)


$39 (SUV/van)


Shampoo seats


$35 per seat 


$35 per seat 


Shampoo carpet (mats an additional $15)


$75 (car)


$85 (SUV/van)


VTNZ or mechanical service


Price on application, plus $30 


Price on application, plus $30 




Price on application 


Price on application 

All prices are in NZD and GST inclusive. Please note: a surcharge may apply should additional cleaning be required. Approval to proceed will be obtained.